

Travel By Siv has collected some general travel resources:

Green Maps
Locate gardens, parks, bike paths, farmer's markets, and ecotourism destinations around the world.

The Weather Channel
Weather, travel, recreation, maps, health alerts.

Online Conversion
Convert anything—money, distance, temperature, weight—to anything else.

National Geographic
Travel, adventure, maps, exhibits

US and international restaurant reviews, airline ratings, dining and entertainment.

Tourism Review
Travel industry news, links, events

Scandinavian Travel Resources:

Consulate General of Denmark, NYC

Embassy of Finland

Icelandic Foreign Service

Royal Norwegian Embassy

The Swedish Information Smorgasbord

Travel Tips from the Experts

Make it Memorable

Here are some tips to help you prepare for your trip. For more detailed information or if you have special needs, check out the links under "Want to Know More" below, or in our list of Resources.

Planning Ahead
Getting Packed
On the Day You Travel
Want to Know More?

Talk to your travel agent! We will be happy to answer your questions and help you plan your next trip abroad. Call or email Siv Wadlin, (800) 304-4699 or (212) 944-2121, Ext. 2417,